Watch Out, Putin!
Barack Obama, Obama's Incompetence, Satire

Category Archive 'Obama’s Incompetence'
03 Sep 2014
Who’s Really Shrinking Whom?Barack Obama, Foreign Policy, ISIS, Obama's Incompetence![]() Town Hall: Obama explained earlier today that he is working with the international community to shrink ISIS into a “manageable problem.” ———————————- ———————————- I’d say that it looks to most of us that adversaries like ISIS and Vladimir Putin have already managed to shrink Obama into a manageable problem. 29 May 2014
President Passive"Being There" (1979), Barack Obama, Obama's Incompetence, Obama's Laziness, Obama's Self-Indulgence![]() Ed Laskey, at American Thinker, compares Barack Obama to Chance the Gardener in the 1979 film “Being There.” The gardener’s simple-minded utterances are mistaken for gnomic profundity when he blunders into contact with the rich and powerful, and the gardener gets promoted to the presidency. How prophetic art can sometimes be!
19 Dec 2013
Obama: IncompetentBarack Obama, Incompetence, Obama, Obama the Enigma, Obama's Incompetence, Obamacare, Peggy Noonan![]() In 2008, when Barack Obama was advancing on the presidency by means of successfully turning himself into the year’s most popular fashion statement, the fact was occasionally remarked that Barack Obama had made his persona into a mirror which was reflecting back precisely the images his audience wanted to see, the real Obama remained an invisible enigma. Barack Obama managed to be elected presidency, occupied the White House for four years of economic misery while magically evading responsibility for the non-recovery, and was even, astonishingly, re-elected, while remaining essentially defined by the wishful fantasies of an admiring public. Ironically, it seems that it was Barack Obama’s signature achievement, Obamacare, the long-elusive goal of left-wing dreams which would transform America, once and for all, into a European-style Welfare State, which proved to be his nemesis, his Hurricane Katrina, the touchstone of demonstrable performance which dispelled all the illusions and defined the real Obama. And his definition, as Peggy Noonan noted yesterday, is: incompetent.
Read the whole thing. Recognizing back in 2008 that Barack Obama was nothing but an Illinois state senator with no record of meaningful accomplishment whatsoever beyond (perhaps) writing his own autobiography at age 30, and $2.99, would get you a cup of coffee. Your are browsing
the Archives of Never Yet Melted in the 'Obama’s Incompetence' Category.
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