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Giraffe, Giraffe Patterns, Natural History

Category Archive 'Giraffe'
16 Apr 2015
British Celeb Tweets Attack on Utah Huntress, Death Threats FollowAnti-Hunting, Giraffe, Hunting, Photography, Rebecca Francis, Ricky Gervais, Twitter![]() British celebrity (I’d never heard of him) Ricky Gervais recently unleashed an international avalanche of personal abuse and even death threats at Utah huntress Rebecca Francis by a post on Twitter attacking her for taking a photograph of herself lying next to a trophy giraffe. Hunting Life alerted Ms. Francis, who explained:
In our contemporary world, any hunting trophy photograph, particularly a photo featuring a female hunter, can be relied upon to provoke passionate outrage on the part of the herd of urban douches who’ve been conditioned by entertainment industry Nature pimps to wallow in emotional self-indulgence over wild animals and who have grown to believe that meat is normally grown hydroponically on supermarket shelves. NY Daily News story 23 Aug 2013
Her Real BoyfriendGiraffe, Photography![]()
Hat tip to Vanderleun. 03 Feb 2009
Giraffes Discussing Some Political DifferencesGiraffe, Natural History, Videos![]() 2:41 video Hat tip to Andrew Sullivan. ![]() Feeds