Category Archive 'Thailand'

17 May 2021


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08 Apr 2021

Monitor Lizard Visits 7/11 in Thailand


Singapore Uncensored video.

17 Oct 2019

4-meter (13-foot) King Cobra Captured in Thai Sewer

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18 Jul 2018

Details of Rescue from Thai Cave


Fox News:

Divers involved in the rescue of 12 Thai boys and their soccer coach from a flooded cave have revealed extraordinary details of the dangerous operation.

A team of more than 150 worked together to free the group from Tham Luang cave, a 6-mile limestone cave system, in an operation that scared even the most seasoned professionals.

New details of the rescue were revealed Monday night on Four Corners, an Australian television series, including how it was decided which of the 12 boys were rescued first.

“It’s one of the most difficult and dangerous and risky things I’ve ever done, not in terms of my own personal safety, but in terms of the people I was responsible for,” British cave diver Jason Mallinson told the reporter.

“I’ve never done anything as risky as that and I don’t think I ever will again. But it was the only option we had, and we took it.”

Mallinson was a “recover diver” tasked with getting the children through some of the most dangerous flooded passageways, in water that was so murky there was sometimes no visibility.

“The probability of success was about as low as you can get,” U.S. Mission Commander Major Charles Hodges said.

“I was fully expecting that we would accept casualties. Maybe three, four, possibly five would die,” he added.

For the dangerous three-hour long journey, each of the children was sedated to stop them from panicking. The rescue was so dangerous the Australian Government negotiated immunity from Thai authorities for any Australians involved in the sedation of the children in case anything went wrong.

Expert cave divers Craig Challen and Richard “Harry” Harris have been hailed as Australian heroes for their pivotal roles in rescuing the Thai football team.

Harris in particular was described as a “linchpin” in the operation, helping to assess the children at different stages of the journey.

The journey was broken up into nine sections and expert British divers were responsible for bringing them through the most complicated spots, using guide lines to help them navigate the passageways.

“We’d submerge with the kid. And depending how the line laid, we’d either have them on the right-hand side or the left-hand side, either holding their back or holding their chest,” Mallinson said.

He describes the process as “mentally exhausting,” especially on the last day, when there was no visibility.

“I had to have the lad really close to me because if you didn’t, you were bashing his head against the rocks,” he said.

“If we bashed him against a rock too hard and it dislodged that mask and flooded his mask, he was a goner. So that’s why we had to be very slow and careful about not banging them against rocks.”

Instead, Mallinson said he extended his head above the boy’s so that his head hit the rocks instead.

“The visibility was that bad, you couldn’t see the rock until you actually hit it,” he said.

Earlier divers had rehearsed the rescue in a local pool, practicing the maneuvers with volunteer children and assessing whether the risky operation was feasible.

“I was confident of getting myself out, I was confident of not losing control of the line, I was confident of getting the kid out [but] I wasn’t a 100 percent confident of getting him out alive,” Mallinson said.

At some points the children had their scuba gear taken off and were taken in stretchers across some areas. In other areas they were carried in harnesses across very steep caverns as walking across these muddy areas would have been dangerous.

Two divers were assigned to each child so that at least one was always holding on to the child.

Harris assessed the children at different stages of the operation to ensure they were OK to continue.

“Without him, we wouldn’t have been able to do what we did,” Mallinson said. “His bedside manner when he was there with the kids and that, talking to them, calming them down and stuff like that.

“So yeah, he was the, the linchpin of the operation.”

While it’s been reported that Dr. Harris also decided which children came out first, fellow Aussie diver Callen said this wasn’t true. He said it was the decision of the boys, coach and Thai Navy SEALs who were with them. The group was told about the operation and they decided who came out first.

“Harry did not choose them, as it has been suggested. So, I think it was their bravest guys that came out first.”


06 Jul 2018

Latest Thai Cave News is Bad

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The BBC reports that a former Thai Navy diver died yesterday through running out of oxygen himself on the return trip from bringing oxygen tanks to the twelve trapped Thai schoolboys and their coach.

The round trip through the flooded tunnel, which in one portion is too tight to allow passage wearing scuba tanks takes eleven hours. (!)

The party has been trapped for two weeks on a ledge surrounded by water and they need constant resupply to avoid running out of oxygen.

Meanwhile, it is the monsoon season and further flooding is expected.

A former Thai navy diver has died while taking part in efforts to rescue 12 boys and their football coach trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand.

Petty Officer Saman Gunan lost consciousness on his way out of the Tham Luang cave complex, where he had been delivering air tanks.

The boys have been trapped for nearly two weeks in a chamber in the cave.

They ventured in while the cave was dry but were caught out by a sudden deluge of rain, which flooded the system.

The group was found by British rescue divers after 10 days in the cave, perched on a rock shelf in a small chamber about 4km (2.5 miles) from the cave mouth.

Teams of Thai and international divers have since supplied them with food, oxygen and medical attention, but there are mounting concerns about the oxygen level in the chamber, which officials said had fallen to 15%. The usual level is 21%. …

The death of Saman – a highly trained diver – on Thursday underscored the danger of moving from the chamber to mouth of the cave, and raised serious doubts about the safety of bringing the boys out through the cramped, flooded passageways.

The diver died after losing consciousness in one of the passageways, said Passakorn Boonyaluck, deputy governor of the Chiang Rai region, where the cave is situated.

“His job was to deliver oxygen. He did not have enough on his way back,” Mr Passakorn said.

He said that Saman’s dive partner tried to revive him but could not, and his body was brought out of the cave.

Read the whole thing.

24 Nov 2017

Near Miss


April 16, 2017, Lampang, Thailand.

My guess is that the snake is a cobra.

04 Jan 2017

Selfie Taker Bitten by Thai Crocodile

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NY Post:

She just snapped.

A French tourist was bitten by a crocodile after posing next to the enormous reptile in a misguided attempt to take a selfie, according to reports.

The 41-year-old woman was exploring Thailand’s Khao Yai National Park with her husband when the duo came across the giant female reptile, reported The Mirror.

The couple squatted down next to the crocodile, which then reportedly sank its teeth into the woman’s thigh as the picture was taken.

Snaps from the scene show the woman being whisked away by rescuers, as the croc ambles away through the brush.

The park reportedly posts many signs telling visitors to stay on paths and not detour through the thicket.

The unnamed woman, whose leg appears bandaged, was transported to an area hospital, where she was treated for her injuries.

Her condition remains unknown.

The crocodile remains at large.

Hat tip to Jim Harberson.

27 May 2016

It Doesn’t Get Much Worse Than This

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NY Post:

BANGKOK — A Thai man is recovering from a bloody encounter with a 10-foot python that slithered through the plumbing of his home and latched its jaws onto his penis as he was using a squat toilet.

Whole thing.

25 Jun 2013

Outlaw Lady with Lorikeet, Rifle, & Skull Scooter

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Via Vanderleun and the Dish.

01 Aug 2006

Insects From the Forests of Chiang Mai

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Lantern bug (Pyrops candelaria )

Northern Thailand resident John Moore has a web-site featuring more than 2000 photographs of insects from the nearby forests.

Hat tip to Karen Myers.

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