Joe Biden, Zombies

Category Archive 'Zombies'
17 Nov 2012
The Last Box of Twinkies in ZombielandHostess Brands, Twinkies, Zombies![]() Hat tip to Iowahawk. 13 Mar 2012
I Like These Bed LinensAmusement, Zombie Apocalypse Sheets, Zombies![]() But I seriously doubt that I can talk Karen into using Zombie Apocalypse sheets. (sigh! Women are so stodgy.) 04 Dec 2011
Tips For Your Zombie Apocalypse ChristmasChristmas, Instructional Video, Parody, Zombies![]() Hat tip to the News Junkie. 19 Jun 2009
More Zombie PoliticsPolitics, Zombie Cinema, Zombies![]() American Prospect’s Paul Waldman argues that it takes a village to stop those zombies, and therefore zombie movies should be viewed as testaments to mankind’s collective subconscious dreaming of purposeful communitarian action.
I admire the audacity of Waldman’s thesis, but we all know that in a truly Progressive society, there wouldn’t be any privately owned guns, chain saws, or edged weapons competing with the state’s monopoly of force, so the zombies would have munched everybody’s brain without serious resistance as a disarmed humanity waited passively for an answer to its 911 calls. Barack Obama would be noting the long record of the living’s mistreatment of the dead, and apologizing, while calling for negotiations and predicting a new era of vital to post-mortem relations. And finally, we all know whom the dead, particularly the vast numbers of deceased voters in Chicago and Philadelphia, supported in 2008. 03 Dec 2008
Zombie ShootAmusement, Guns, Zombies![]() 2008 Zombie Shoot held by the Langhorn Rod and Gun Club, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. 9:53 video —————————— Hat tip to Geek With a .45 and Atomic Nerds via Karen L. Myers. 08 Jul 2008
Who Wants Gnomes?Americana, Amusement, Popular Culture, Zombies![]() Flamingos. or even blue glass balls, when you can have your own personal zombie, clawing his way out of your lawn in search of… fresh, warm brains. And only $89.95, too! ———————- Hat tip to John Brownlee via Cory Doctorow. ![]() Feeds