“The Race Card is Maxed Out”
Charles Rangel, Charlie Rangel, Jon Stewart, Maxine Waters, Race Card, Racial Politics, Ressentiment, Satire

Jon Stewart (of all people) comments sarcastically on the Rangel/Waters ethics investigations.
5:49 video
Category Archive 'Charlie Rangel'
16 Aug 2010
“The Race Card is Maxed Out”Charles Rangel, Charlie Rangel, Jon Stewart, Maxine Waters, Race Card, Racial Politics, Ressentiment, Satire![]() Jon Stewart (of all people) comments sarcastically on the Rangel/Waters ethics investigations. 5:49 video 01 Aug 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010Barack Obama, Blackberry, Charles Rangel, Charlie Rangel, Foreign Policy, John Kerry, RIM, SWaudi arabia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirated, United Arab Emirates![]() The United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia announced their intention to block Blackberry reception in response to Research In Motion (RIM)’s failure to facilitate government monitoring of transmissions. Mohammed Al Ghanem, director general of the UAE’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), said “In their current form, certain Blackberry services allow users to act without any legal accountability, causing judicial, social and national security concerns for the UAE.” ——————————- John Kerry apologizes for getting caught. Kerry’s 76 foot yacht and the taxes he was trying to avoid paying. MSNBC ——————————- Despite ethics lapses, democrats sticking with Rangel.
Rangel’s three-stage defense: “I didn’t do it. I did it, but was inattentive. Others lawmakers were allowed to do the same thing without penalty.” Barack Obama hopes Charlie Rangel can “end his career with dignity.” —————————– Undiscussed explosive recession bomb: lifetime savings of middle-class wiped out as unemployed Americans use savings and retirement plans to stay temporarily afloat. —————————– Even Harvard liberal Stephen M. Walt grades Obama 0 for 4 in Foreign Policy. 05 Jul 2010
11 Reasons To Vote For Democrats In November2010 Election, Charles Schumer, Charlie Rangel, Democrats, Harry Reid, John Conyers, Nancy Pelosi, Videos![]() 30 Oct 2009
More Bad News For DemocratsCharles Rangel, Charlie Rangel, Congress, Corruption, Ethics Document, House of Representatives, Jane Harman, John Murtha, Maxine Waters![]() A junior staff member (since fired) working from home placed a secret House of Representatives Ethics report on a publicly accessible internet site, and someone then shared the document with the Washington Post. Since the great bulk of the scandalous information involved democrats, the Post was understandably appalled, and was certainly not going to be found commending the leaker, but, alas! the story was now out there, and the Post was obliged to report it. The leaked document was a 22-page “Committee on Standards Weekly Summary Report” which contained short summaries of ethics panel investigations of the conduct of 19 congressmen and a number of staff members. It also mentioned 14 congressmen whose conduct was under review by the new Office of Congressional Ethics, a quasi-independent body empowered to initiate investigations and make recommendations to the ethics committee. The conduct of some members of congress was “under review” by both ethics bodies. 12 of 19 names were graciously released by the Post, including those of Charles Rangel (D – 15 NY), Maxine Waters (D – 35 CA), Jane Harman (D – 36 CA), Laura Richardson (D – 37 CA), John Murtha (D – 12 PA), Peter Visclosky (D- 1 IN), James Moran (D- 8 VA), Norm Dicks (D – 6 WA), Marcy Kaptur (D – 9 OH), Devin Nunes (R – 21 CA), C.W. Bill Young (R – 10 FL), and Todd Tiahrt (R – 4 KS). Rep. Sam Graves (R – 6 MO) was apparently exonerated, while the ethics committee suspended its investigation of Alan B. Mollohan (D – 1 WV) at the request of the Justice Department which is conducting its own investigation of the Congressman. Statement by Chairman & Ranking Minority Member of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct – pdf Don Surber posted some news agency’s account. 06 Sep 2009
Avoiding TaxesCharles Rangel, Charlie Rangel, Tax Avoidance, Taxes![]()
David Bain reports that some wealthy Americans now subjected to new forms of international scrutiny by the Obama-era IRS operating under new orders to revenue hunt are taking the dramatic step of renouncing citizenship.
How silly of them! They should just take the same exit money and citizenship fees and run for Congress as democrats from an inner-city district. Look how well it worked for Charles Rangel. Rangel not only didn’t have to renounce his citizenship. He not only gets to keep his Rules Committee Chairmanship, but also four New York City rent-stabilized apartments (each one of which is required to be his primary residence), while using another home in Washington, D.C as his primary residence for tax purposes. 04 Feb 2009
Democrats Love Taxes (When You Pay Them)Charlie Rangel, Democrats, Hypocrisy, Joseph Biden, Taxation, Tom Daschle![]() Jonah Goldberg admires the gaping chasm between democrats’ expressed enthusiam for paying taxes and their actual personal behavior in some recent examples in the news.
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