No Ground Zero Mosque
"Der Untergang" (2004), "Downfall" Parody, Ground Zero Mosque, Parody

Imam Hitler gets the bad news.
Category Archive 'Ground Zero Mosque'
30 Mar 2011
No Ground Zero Mosque"Der Untergang" (2004), "Downfall" Parody, Ground Zero Mosque, Parody![]() Imam Hitler gets the bad news. 21 Sep 2010
Poll Finds 58% of Moderate Muslims Oppose the Ground Zero MosqueFouad Ajami, Ground Zero Mosque, Islam, Islam![]() Fouad Ajami, a Shiite Muslim and a professor at Johns Hopkins, in the Wall Street Journal, quotes a survey by Elaph, the London Arabic electronic daily news publication, which found that 58% of respondents to its poll opposed the construction of the Ground Zero Mosque and cites a better Islamic precedent.
10 Sep 2010
Which is More Incendiary? Koran-Burning or Islam ItselfBurning the Koran, Ground Zero Mosque, Islam, Islam, Political Correctness![]() Andrew McCarthy makes some excellent points.
———————————– Michelle Malkin observes that it isn’t easy to avoid offending a religion with the kind of anger management problem Islam has.
09 Sep 2010
Roland Was Right and Palin is WrongBurning the Koran, Ground Zero Mosque, Islam, Islam, Political Correctness, Sarah Palin![]()
Or guart chascuns que granz colps, Now must we each lay on most hardily, Chanson de Roland, 1013-1015 —————————————— Sarah Palin says that burning a copy of the Koran on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is “insensitive and an unnecessary provocation” and reminds us of the Golden Rule. I don’t think Golden Rule applies to foreign enemies in time of war, and I’d say that Sarah Palin is clearly getting too close to Washington and sounds more and more like a conventional politician. The FBI is warning that a backlash and retaliation is likely.
Pastor Jones may be a crank, and burning the Koran is neither genteel nor the most attractive choice of gestures, but here we are. We are in a situation in which the obscure minister of an insignificant local congregation proposes an action insulting to Islam, and consequently find ourselves threatened and warned of bloodshed and massive violence if we don’t stop him. Meanwhile, the leadership class of the country is responding by urging him to cease and desist, openly acknowledging fear of Islamic violence. Mere squeamishness and discomfort with being placed in the position of defending a gesture which is just not nice is additionally at work in rendering the American leadership class hors de combat. Most of the same people ran, rather than walked, to defend Imam Abdul Rauf’s project constructing and Islamic Cultural Center, originally named for one of Islam’s most prized European conquests, within the zone of impact of the 9/11 attacks. Personally, I’m completely fed up with the intelligentsia’s culture of utilitarian calculation and its cowardly inclination to shrink from direct opposition and open conflict with a hostile and insolent alien superstition. At this point, Pastor Jones burning that Koran is just like knocking off the chip that the town bully has placed on his shoulder. Knock it off and then clean his clock for him, or prepare to bow and scrape and cringe in perpetuity is the real choice. We already have the New York Times, the Boston Globe, and Yale University Press practicing self censorship in response to Saracen sensibilities with respect to the Danish cartoons featuring Mohammed. We have Harvard University introducing sexual segregation in its gymnasium to accommodate Islam. Where does accommodating and appeasing of Islam stop? With dhimmitude (subjection of non-Muslims to Islam) and with payment of the Jizyah, the Islamic tax on non-Muslims. [T]he Jizyah shall be taken from them with belittlement and humiliation. The dhimmi shall come in person, walking not riding. When he pays, he shall stand, while the tax collector sits. The collector shall seize him by the scruff of the neck, shake him, and say “Pay the Jizyah!” and when he pays it he shall be slapped on the nape of the neck. 09 Sep 2010
Interesting HypotheticalBurning the Koran, Coercive Secularism, Ground Zero Mosque, Islam, Islam, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Prayer in Schools, The Elites, The Left![]() Eric Erickson wonders what the elites would do if radical Muslims started demanding prayer in US schools. 09 Sep 2010
“This Is Where We Begin to Say No”Ground Zero Mosque, Islam, Islam, Multiculturalism, The Elect, The Left![]() Andrew McCarthy expresses the view, which I share, that the American people have gotten tired of hearing about how much deference we need to pay to the sensibilities of Muslims.
Read the whole thing. 08 Sep 2010
Hartford City Council Opening with Muslim PrayersBurning the Koran, Connecticut, Ground Zero Mosque, Hartford, Islam, Muslim Prayers![]() The City Council of Hartford, Connecticut is making a special gesture this month.
One wonders when the city fathers of Hartford, Connecticut last felt any inclination to express their solidarity with Americans serving in combat in the Middle East, or even with non-haute bourgeois Americans residing outside coastal cities and suburbs. Their touching concern for supposititious “Muslim brothers and sisters” (How does the Philippine Insurrection song go? “He may be the brother of Big Bill Taft, but he ain’t no brother of mine.”) has nothing to do with anything real. There is no fraternal (or sororal) connection between the greasy pols of Hartford and Imam Abdul Rauf in Manhattan or to some imaginary peaceful body of tolerant Muslims friendly and well-disposed toward non-believers in Hartford at all. The real relationship is between democrat party politicos and the form of ethical narcissism which expresses itself in gestures of political correctness. Members of the community of fashion love to strike poses of moral superiority, and no experiences of that kind are quite so gratifying as those which simultaneously embrace the exotic other and at the same time elevate one above the unworthiness of one’s own defective culture, civilization, and fellow citizens. 31 Aug 2010
NYC Considering Providing $70M in Tax Free Financing to Ground Zero MosqueGround Zero Mosque, New York, New York City, Tax-Free Financing![]() Where was Feisel Adbul Rauf going to get the $100 million needed to construct his Cordoba House, excuse me! renamed as Park51 Islamic Center proposed to be sited within the zone of destruction caused by the 9/11 attacks? Naturally, I suspected Middle Eastern sheiks and Islamists would simply be taking so many dollars off the top of this month’s package of financial aid to Hamas, al Qaeda, and the Taliban and sending it Abdul Rauf’s way. But, no, it’s better than that. As Reuters reports, New York City may actually provide the bulk of the needed funding for the combined victory monument and recruiting center.
22 Aug 2010
A Thought ExperimentDouble Standard, Double Standards, Ground Zero Mosque, Islam, Islam![]() Andrew McCarthy describes a thought experiment pertinent to the Ground Zero Mosque debate.
20 Aug 2010
Ground Zero Mosque: Liberals Suddenly Discover Property RightsGround Zero Mosque, Hypocrisy, Liberal Hypocrisy, Liberals, New York, Property Rights![]() John Podhoretz, in Commentary, admires the way the Ground Zero Mosque debate has suddenly caused liberals to embrace property rights.
Perhaps we should just argue that, once the Saudis and Iranians have paid for putting up the new 15-story building, it should be open to “urban homesteading” by artists and the poor, as liberal New Yorkers have frequently advocated with respect to other people’s buildings. Or we might simply have Zoning or one of those Neighborhood Development Authorities require Abdul Rauf to include so many low cost housing units as part of the permission price for being allowed to build anything. Or, why wait? we could just send in some urban pioneering activists right now to set up living arrangements in the empty Burlington Coat Factory building just as it is, thereby acquiring by virtue of the quaint customs of the city squatter’s rights. Then let Abdul Rauf try getting one of the radical leftwing judges of New York City’s Housing Court to issue an eviction order. 18 Aug 2010
Rejoinder to My Liberal Classmates on the Constitution and the Ground Zero MosqueCordoba House, Ground Zero Mosque, Islam, Political Correctness, The Elect, The Liberal Elite, US Constitution![]() But, of course, there is no court case, no legislative or judicial process, no actual involvement of the US Constitution at all. We have instead the occult operations of the infinitely labyrinthine and corrupt zoning and building permit processes of New York City doing whatever it is they do outside of our observation and understanding, and we have the sideline sport of Americans forming up into teams rooting for and against the construction of an Islamic victory monument within the no-longer-present shadow of the fallen World Trade Center towers. The fashionable community of treason is passionately determined to prove their moral superiority by defending the rights of our overseas enemies to raise the banner of the crescent and the serpent over Lower Manhattan, and normal Americans are –as usual– appalled at the insolence and disloyalty of our elite. I find this particular rehearsal of a by-now-only-too-familiar comedy amusing though, because the outcome and comparative strengths of the opposing factions are only too obvious. The Ground Zero Mosque will never be erected. And the community of liberal lemmings will discover, too late, that all that they accomplished was to drive a few more nails in the coffin of everything they hold dear by a particularly effective demonstration in front of the entire country of exactly how demented and offensive they really are. 17 Aug 2010
Obama Succeeding At Building American Consensus2010 Election, Barack Obama, Cordoba House, Ground Zero Mosque, Obama's Birth & Citizenship, Obama's Birth Story, Polls![]()
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