Category Archive 'LOTR'

18 Jan 2022

“My Precious”

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21 Nov 2020

New AR-15 Glows Blue When Libs Are Near

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America’s Most Trusted News Source:

U.S.—An American firearms manufacturer is making waves after unveiling a brand new AR-15 that glows blue whenever libs are nearby. Constructed with ancient elven technology from the forgotten land of Gondolin, this semi-automatic rifle will pulse with an ethereal blue light whenever it detects a democrat within a 100-yard radius.


16 Jan 2019


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04 Mar 2013

If George R.R. Martin Had Written LOTR

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Fantasy author L.B. Gale observes that the death-rate among the good guys would have been considerably higher.

It used to be that Joss Whedon was the go-to-guy when you wanted to complain about authors mercilessly killing off characters, but once (spoiler alert!) Ned Stark’s death became a part of popular culture canon, George R. R. Martin took over that throne.

Read the whole thing.

Hat tip to Karen L. Myers.

23 Jun 2012

Gandalf’s Function

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Hat tip to The Meta Picture via Kathleen Wagner.

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