From Today’s “Restore Sanity” Rally
Amusement, Rally For Sanity, The Left, Washington DC

Newsbusters attended.
Archive for October, 2010
30 Oct 2010
From Today’s “Restore Sanity” RallyAmusement, Rally For Sanity, The Left, Washington DC![]() Newsbusters attended. 30 Oct 2010
“There Will Be Blood”2010 Election, Polls![]()
27% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17. 65% of Likely U.S. Voters say if they had the option next week, they would vote to get rid of the entire Congress and start all over again. 29 Oct 2010
Newsweek Visits the Yale Political Union2010 Election, Party of the Right, Yale, Yale Political Union![]() Even the pinks are disappointed by the Chosen One and seriously worried about their own employment prospects. Hat tip to David Wagner. 29 Oct 2010
The Elite Without a CountryAnti-Americanism, Community of Fashion, New Elite, The Cognitive Elite, The Elect, The Intelligentsia, The Left, Unpatriotic![]() Mark Krikorian argues that Charles Murray‘s description of the alienation of the New Elite from the rest of America does not go nearly far enough.
29 Oct 2010
Larry Tribe on Sonia SotomayorLawrence H. Tribe, Lawrence Tribe, Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court![]() Someone leaked to Ed Whelan, NR’s legal issues blogger, a pre-SCOTUS-nomination “Dear Mr. President” letter from Larry Tribe at Harvard discussing appointment strategy containing some very candid and interesting observations on the “wise Latina.” As Jon Adler observed over at Volokh, leftwing Larry Tribe has essentially the same point of view on Sotomayor that Jeffrey Rosen expressed in New Republic.
29 Oct 2010
Viral Email Item of the DayHumor, Religion, Viral Humor, Viral Messages![]() Amusing to heathens like myself. 28 Oct 2010
Overcoming ObstaclesBundaberg Rum, Entertaining Commercials, The Right Stuff![]() An inspirational advertisement from Bundaberg Rum. Hat tip to Theo Spark. 27 Oct 2010
2010 Predictions2010 Election, Predictions![]() Larry J. Sabato‘s estimated results: For the House of Representatives: [W]e are raising the total [from +44] to +55 net Republican seats. We consider 47 to be in the ballpark still, but more of a floor than a ceiling. Which results, if correct, would produce a 233 Republican — 202 Democrat House of Representatives. For the Senate:
Their predictions also have the GOP gaining 8 or 9 governorships, and at least a dozen additional state legislative chambers. 27 Oct 2010
David Letterman: Top Ten Signs There’s Trouble in the Democrat Party2010 Election, Amusement, Comedy, David Letterman, Democratic Party, Democrats, Humor, Top Ten Signs![]() 27 Oct 2010
Olivia Wilde for MoveOn.Org2010 Election, Amusement,, MoveOndotOrg, Olivia Wilde, Political Ads, Political Commercials, Science Fiction![]() We House viewers have been wondering where the lovely Olivia Wilde went. Well, now we know. She’s been making a Sci Fi-themed political advertisement for, playing a rebel from the year 2050 urging liberals to vote in order to prevent a dystopian Republican future. It’s daft, but very funny. Go President Palin! Teach that Pacific Ocean a lesson. (It shouldn’t be surprising that Olivia Wilde is a commie. Not only is she a representative of Hollywood, her real name is Olivia Jane Cockburn. Yes, Alexander Cockburn is her uncle, and Claude Cockburn was her grandfather. Stalin was godfather for most of the older members of her family.) 27 Oct 2010
Which Size Wave is Approaching?2010 Election, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Politics, Possibilities, Predictions, Star Wars![]() National Review Campaign Spot blogger Jim Geraghty interviews the Jedi master who trained Karl Rove: political mastermind Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Hat tip to George Smiley. ![]() Feeds