Good One From Monica
Black Humor, Monica Lewinsky, Twitter, William Clinton
i have an intern joke and it… nevermind.
— Monica Lewinsky (@MonicaLewinsky) July 24, 2020
Category Archive 'William Clinton'
27 Jul 2020
Good One From MonicaBlack Humor, Monica Lewinsky, Twitter, William Clinton
10 Aug 2019
Epstein Commits Suicide#ClintonBodyCount, Hillary Clinton, Jason Epstein, William Clinton07 Jun 2018
#MeToo News#MwToo, Monica Lewinsky, Satire, William ClintonThe Onion: Bill Clinton Still Waiting For Personal Apology From Monica Lewinsky For Using Power As Intern To Exploit Him Sexually. 13 Apr 2018
Bill Clinton Presidential PortraitWilliam Clinton
16 Nov 2017
Yglesias Does the Liberal Two-StepFeminist Issues, Hypocrisy, Matthew Yglesias, Roy Moore, Sex Scandals, William ClintonFun, fun, fun! Matt Yglesias demonstrates the fine liberal art of feigning repentance as he throws the no-longer-useful Bill Clinton right under the feminist issues bus. Former heroes of the Left are all very well, but getting Roy Moore could mean one more vote in the Senate.
And, if no Republican were in the cross-hairs, let us ask ourselves: what would Matt Yglesias be saying? We know perfectly well he’d be taking the same position he did twenty years ago. 10 Nov 2016
“Leading Historians Say”2016 Election, Conspiracy Theories, Donald Trump, Twitter, William Clinton10 Oct 2016
Great Moments in American Politics: Trump Threatens to Jail Hillary If He WinsDonald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Presidential Debates, William Clinton
The great lines keep on coming this presidential election, don’t they? 04 Aug 2016
Is Trump Deliberately Throwing the Election?2016 Election, Conspiracy Theory, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, William ClintonLet’s see, this week, Donald Trump continued his public attacks on the family of a Muslim US Army Captain killed while serving in Iraq. Trump made it clear that he is uninterested in GOP unity by announcing specifically that he is not supporting Paul Ryan or John McCain. Airing of the famous Daisy political commercial by Democrats was made redundant when some source within the Trump Campaign leaked to Joe Scarborough the unsettling information that Donald Trump asked an unidentified foreign policy expert engaged in advising him, three times, why the US could not use nuclear weapons. That one made headlines all day yesterday. The same RNC bigwigs who suppressed opposition and rammed the Trump nomination through the Convention two weeks ago, this week, are reportedly panicking.
Trump is sinking in the polls. Even Fox News is giving Hillary a ten-point lead. And it’s only the beginning of August. The boxcar-loads of opposition research the Dems and their media allies have been saving up are still just sitting there, waiting to be unloaded and fired. We are faced with two possibilities: either Donald Trump is such a spoiled and totally-deranged sociopathic narcissist that he is out of touch with reality, unadvisable and uncontrollable, and his personal dementia is causing him to self-destruct in the course of the campaign, or the Clinton-Trump Conspiracy Theory, the hypothesis that Trump was put up to all this by Bill Clinton as a diabolically-clever, Hail-Mary-Pass strategy to sabotage the Republican Party’s nominating process and elect the hideously-unpopular Hillary in what-ought-to-have-been a Republican landslide victory year, is really true. (NYM contemplated the Conspiracy theory as far back as February and found further evidence in May.) There is no way to know the truth at present, but it’s going to be interesting to watch events unfold. Either way, whether Donald Trump is simply so nutsy-cuckoo that he can’t help sabotaging himself, or whether he is throwing the election deliberately and intentionally, it is a sad commentary on all those loco-in-the-cabeza Trumpshirts out there that they have been themselves barking mad enough to pin their hopes and lend their support to a totally-unqualified, ethically-challenged, blowhard millionaire, who is dubiously Republican and obviously anything but a principled conservative. Don’t blame National Review or the Conservative Movement for electing Hillary, when it was you who rejected all the decent, rational, conservative, and qualified GOP candidates and went whoring after a Reality-TV Celebrity Clown with a big mouth and a handful of airy promises and crackpot policy positions. Feeds