Nerdrotic Unloads on Amazon’s Tolkien Travesty
"Rings of Power" (2022), Amazon, Well-Reasoned Abuse, Wokery
HT: Karen L. Myers.
Category Archive 'Wokery'
05 Sep 2022
Nerdrotic Unloads on Amazon’s Tolkien Travesty"Rings of Power" (2022), Amazon, Well-Reasoned Abuse, WokeryHT: Karen L. Myers. 03 Sep 2022
“The Rings of Power”: The Critics Versus the Public"Rings of Power" (2022), Criticism, WokeryPaul Tassi, writing in Forbes, notes the great discrepancy between the critics’ and the public’s reaction to Amazon’s billion-dollar take on Tolkien.
I found it interesting that Tassi had no difficulty identifying precisely what the enormous Tolkien fantasy readership base objected to, but had himself no such issues with what Amazon has done. His own god-like perspective as a card-carrying member of the PMC (Professional Managerial Class) elite immunizes him from any emotional attachment to the author and the author’s original vision and conceptions and his consequent inevitable consciousness of his own superiority naturally causes him to dismiss condescendingly those inferior members of the mass readership audience who do care about such things as “fanboys” motivated by “racism.” Naturally, the unworthy opinions of these people, the sort who would prioritize fidelity to an author’s vision and texts over Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, need to be censored and suppressed, coming from — what the generality of today’s journalists recognize as — “trolls.” 09 Dec 2021
The Ivy League Liars’ ClubColleges and Universities, Hypocrisy, Ivy League Rat Race, Princeton, Scott Newman, Wokery
Princetonian Scott Newman spills the beans. Those elite colleges’ Wokery is only a hypocritical form of virtue-signaling. The little supposed revolutionaries are really the swiftest and most ambitious rats in the race, running all out for the status and the bucks.
RTWT — This one is a good read. Feeds