Archive for March, 2014
09 Mar 2014

Leftism Successful Only Wearing Camouflage

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MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow

Dan Greenfield argues that, while Barack Obama succeeded in selling leftism to the American public, he did it by concealing his real identity behind a masque of reasonable moderation. When leftists fail to conceal their leftism, Americans still find them totally repulsive.

The playwright and director David Mamet achieved an epiphany while listening to NPR. Unfortunately for NPR the epiphany was that he was no longer a liberal. “I felt my facial muscles tightening,” he described, “and the words beginning to form in my mind: Shut the f___ up.”

The unfiltered left with its onslaught of sanctimonious bleating often brings out that reaction.

It’s why Air America not only couldn’t compete with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and other conservative talk radio hosts, but it couldn’t even remain solvent. MSNBC, the bastard child of a ridiculous union between Microsoft and NBC, spent years drifting in search of an identity only to become the new Air America.

Why does the left, which is so adept at putting its agenda across in mainstream media outlets fail spectacularly when it puts away the disguise and begins saying what it really thinks?

George Orwell described the phenomenon in his book The Road to Wigan Pier. The behavior he is describing is so familiar that it’s worth pausing to remember that it was written 77 years ago in 1937.

“I do not think the Socialist need make any sacrifice of essentials, but certainly he will have to make a great sacrifice of externals,” Orwell wrote, explaining why the left was failing to make headway with more sensible people. “If only the sandals and the pistachio-coloured shirts could be put in a pile and burnt, and every vegetarian, teetotaler… sent home to Welwyn Garden City to do his yoga exercises quietly!”

A must read.

08 Mar 2014

Dealing With the Hoplophobe

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08 Mar 2014

Latest Left-Wing Grievance: Belly Dancing by Western Women

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Yale has had a student belly dance society since 2003.

In Salon, Randa Jarrar inveighs against Western Imperialist appropriation of belly dancing which she regards as a kind of cultural property to which only Arab women of color are entitled.

Arab women are not vessels for white women to pour themselves and lose themselves in; we are not bangles or eyeliner or tiny bells on hips. We are human beings. This dance form is originally ours, and does not exist so that white women can have a better sense of community; can gain a deeper sense of sisterhood with each other; can reclaim their bodies; can celebrate their sexualities; can perform for the female gaze. Just because a white woman doesn’t profit from her performance doesn’t mean she’s not appropriating a culture. And, ultimately, the question is this: Why does a white woman’s sisterhood, her self-reclamation, her celebration, have to happen on Arab women’s backs?


Eugene Volokh responds by wondering aloud: What would Salon think of an article called, ‘Why I can’t stand Asian musicians who play Beethoven’?

08 Mar 2014

Two Tolkien Fan Films

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Did you know that there was a fan-made 38 minute long Lord of the Rings prequel out there already seen by over ten million viewers? I had not.

The Hunt for Gollum 38:31


One thing leads to another and I soon found that there is also Born of Hope (2009) 71 minutes.

08 Mar 2014

Pornstar’s Boss Sent a Letter to the Classmate Who Outed Her

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Belle Knox

Duke University freshman porn star Belle Knox responded to being outed by her classmate Thomas Bagley by giving a series of interviews ( 1, 2) in which she defended her occupation and described her experiences in the most positive terms:

For me, shooting pornography brings me unimaginable joy. When I finish a scene, I know that I have done so and completed an honest day’s work. It is my artistic outlet: my love, my happiness, my home.

Few adult readers will agree with her that acting in porn films constitutes an artistic outlet or believe that her industry really offers a “home,” but it seems at least that her employer was disposed to come to her defense, retaliating for her outing at Duke by revealing her outer’s thousand-dollar-a-month porn habit and mockingly daring him to come out to sunny Los Angeles to star in his own porn film.

Letter to Thomas Bagley

07 Mar 2014

Goshawk Versus Water Balloon


In slow motion. io9 protests: Damn you, hawk, and your terrifying dinosaur hands! What did that poor water balloon ever do to you?!

Hat tip to Karen L. Myers.

07 Mar 2014

British Fox Hunters Singing in the Pub

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Our hunting friend from the British Lakeland Fells, Ron Black, forwarded this delightful video of several sessions of pub singing back in 2000 of hunting and humorous songs, doubtless featuring friends and neighbors of his own from the North of England.

06 Mar 2014

Dave Barry Reads “Fifty Shades of Grey”

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Dave Barry reads Fifty Shades of Grey.

What women want, to judge from Fifty Shades of Grey, is not just people doing It. Many pages go by in this book without any of It getting done, although there is a great deal of thinking and talking about It. The thoughts are provided by the narrator and main character, Anastasia Steele, who is a twenty-one-year-old American woman as well as such a clueless, self-absorbed ninny that you, the reader, find yourself wishing that you still smoked so you would have a cigarette lighter handy and thus could set fire to certain pages, especially the ones where Anastasia is telling you about her “inner goddess.” This is a hyperactive imaginary being—I keep picturing Tinker Bell—who reacts in a variety of ways to the many dramatic developments in Anastasia’s life, as we see in these actual quotes:

    “My inner goddess is swaying and writhing to some primal carnal rhythm.”
    “My very small inner goddess sways in a gentle victorious samba.”
    “My inner goddess is doing the Dance of Seven Veils.”
    “My inner goddess is doing the merengue with some salsa moves.”
    “My inner goddess has stopped dancing and is staring, too, mouth open and drooling slightly.”
    “My inner goddess jumps up and down, with cheerleading pom-poms, shouting ‘Yes’ at me.”
    “My inner goddess is doing backflips in a routine worthy of a Russian Olympic gymnast.”
    “My inner goddess pole-vaults over the fifteen-foot bar.”
    “My inner goddess fist-pumps the air above her chaise longue.”

That’s right: Her inner goddess, in addition to dancing, cheerleading, pole vaulting, etc., apparently keeps furniture inside Anastasia’s head. Unfortunately, this means there is little room left for Anastasia’s brain, which, to judge from her thought process, is about the size of a walnut.

Read the whole thing.

Hat tip to the Barrister.

06 Mar 2014

US-Russia Bilateral Relations

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06 Mar 2014

Russia Today Anchor Resigns On the Air

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Washington-based anchor says she can no longer be part of network funded by Russian government

An anchor for the American branch of state-run news network Russia Today quit on air Wednesday over disagreements with how the network characterized Russian President Vladimir Putin’s actions.

“Personally I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government that whitewashes the actions of Putin,” anchor Liz Wahl said live from the network’s Washington, D.C. studio.

The Wrap reports that Liz Wahl chose to side with her Hungarian refugee grandarents.

06 Mar 2014

Deep Ditches and Great Banks

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Members of the Kilkenny Foxhounds negotiate some of that famous Irish hunting country reminscent of Snaffles‘ “Deep Ditches” and “Great Banks.”

Foxhunting in Ireland much resembles joining the WWII Japanese Kamikaze corps.

I particularly enjoyed the “Go on, Tom!” “It’s not deep!” part.

05 Mar 2014

Some People


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