Category Archive 'Satire'
31 Jul 2022

Republican Disneyland v. Democrat Disneyland

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26 Apr 2022

Musk Acquires Twitter

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31 Jan 2022

“Free to be Themselves”

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27 Nov 2021

“San Francisco Stores Hold 100% Off Black Friday Sale”

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Babylon Bee:

SAN FRANCISCO, CA—In a beloved San Fran tradition, stores across the city are holding their annual 100% off Black Friday sale today, offering shoppers the opportunity to come in, throw as much stuff in a bag as they can fit, and run out of the store.

“Come one, come all, and check out these amazing discounts!” said the manager of one San Francisco Walgreens. “You can get makeup, electronics, Takis, sunglasses, you name it—even prescription medications!”

One shopper said she just had to go check out the savings on designer handbags. “Yeah, I don’t really like going out in the crowds, but for 100% off, sure. I’ll throw on a ski mask and some gloves and grab as many Gucci purses as possible.”


26 Nov 2021

Man Captures 19.5 Foot Python in Florida and Cuts It Open. Finding 3 More Boxes of Uncounted Democrat Ballots.

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16 Nov 2021

Kenosha Prosecutor Demonstrates AR-15 For Jury

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Babylon Bee: Prosecutor Proves How Deadly AR-15 Is By Accidentally Shooting 7 Jurors.

09 Nov 2021

Ever Try Cancelling Your Cable Service?

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HT: Althouse.

18 Sep 2021

Just Slightly More Woke Disney World


HT: Karen L. Myers.

15 Sep 2021

“AOC Writes ‘Tax The Rich’ In The Sky With Her Private Jet”

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Babylon Bee:

NEW YORK, NY—On her way back to D.C. from the Met Gala, a young lady named AOC made a powerful statement on equity by directing the pilot of her private jet to write ‘Tax The Rich’ in the sky.

The stunningly brave slogan was seen by thousands of people in the area and inspired dozens.

“AOC is a true socialist hero,” said Comrade Maisley Wiggins of the Socialist Party of America. “We couldn’t agree more with her statement that the rich should be taxed, which they clearly aren’t. Of course, AOC should be the exception, due to her being a socialist hero.”

Speaking to reporters after landing in D.C., AOC said: “I, like, just thought of doing that while sitting all bored and stuff in my jet. Then I commanded my indentured slave pilot to write in the sky about how important it is to tax the rich! Yay socialism!”


01 Sep 2021

“Following the Taliban Takeover of Kabul, US Officials There Gave the Islamic Extremist Group the Names of American Citizens, Green Card Holders …”

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29 Aug 2021

Coming Soon to the Middle Eastern Shopping Market Near You

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Babylon Bee:

KABUL—Now that Allah has seen fit to bless the Taliban with bountiful weapons and equipment from the U.S. Military, terrorists around Afghanistan have built an already thriving chain of U.S. Army Surplus stores.

“We need weapons to kill and subjugate the Afghan people under Sharia Law, but there’s just too much gear here!” said local Taliban leader Bob Muhammed. “There’s, like, billions of dollars and 20 years worth of weaponry around here, and now I can build a thriving business out of selling my wares to other terrorist folk who happen to pass through! Allah be praised!”

Although the merchandise will not be available to the general public (for obvious reasons), Muhammed’s Army Surplus will feature a full selection of deadly weaponry, ammunition, combat boots, MREs, helmets, hashish, and whatever else a soldier of Allah may need.

If successful, Bob Muhammed hopes to open more stores in Iraq and Syria.

04 Aug 2021

Learn to Speak Bidenese

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HT: Bernie Sanders (not the communist one).

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