Category Archive 'Trailers'

31 Jul 2019

Top Gun 2: Alternative Trailer

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16 Apr 2015

New Star Wars Trailer

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Glenn Reynolds will be so happy!

25 Sep 2013

Movie: the Movie

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Seriously over-the-top parody trailer with loads of major stars making cameos.

Hat tip to Vanderleun.

12 Jun 2013

“The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” Trailer

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First Hobbit, Part 2 trailer. Peter Jackson will clearly be supplying an abundance of action, along with a brand-new, uncanonical character: a female elf named Tauriel, described by Evangeline Lilly (who is playing the role) as “slightly reckless and totally ruthless, [and who] doesn’t hesitate to kill.”

It opens December 13th next.

22 Dec 2011

“The Hobbit” (2012) Trailer

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To be released December 14, 2012.

12 Feb 2011

“Atlas Shrugged, Part 1,” The Trailer

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What happened to Francisco?

07 Oct 2010

“True Grit” (2010)

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From the Anchoress:

Full-length theatrical trailer for the Coen Brothers remake of True Grit, to be released Xmas, 2010.

Shorter Mattie’s-eye-view version with music by the Peasall Sisters, labeled a teaser trailer:

The Dude standing in for the Duke will be interesting to see. The trailers suggest that the Coen Brothers’ version will be darker and scarier than the 1969 Henry Hathaway original.

Hat tip to Bird Dog.

29 Jul 2010

Lost in Val Sinestra

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This amusing web-site inserts you and a selection of your Facebook friends in the just over 3-minute trailer for one of those teenage scary movies. It’s automated choice of photos is really awfully good.

19 Mar 2009

Angelina Jolie Film Trailer Banned in Britain

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Wanted (2008)

Angelina Jolie, since Laura Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), has made something of a personal specialty of portraying female comic book (or video game) heroines with superhuman abilities at striking both targets and cool poses.

In America, chicks-with-guns is (Example 1, Example 2) is a popular pin-up picture and video genre, but Puritan statism’s hostility to guns is far more advanced in Britain.

Just watching voluptuous Angelina Jolie strike provocative shooting poses could shatter British phlegm and impel legions of bowler-hatted, umbrella-toting Essex men to fly their cubicles and turn to Quentin Tarantino-style orgies of violence, or at least so evidently supposes Britain’s Advertising Standards Authority which has banned the 0:35 minute trailer for Angelina’s new film.

The Guardian reports:

A television advert for the film Wanted, in which Angelina Jolie was shown firing a bullet towards the audience, has been banned by media watchdogs for glamorising violence.

The promo for the DVD release of the action blockbuster showed Jolie kissing co-star James McAvoy during a high-speed car chase before the pair turned and fired their guns in the direction of the viewer. For good measure, a voiceover described Wanted as “the coolest movie of the year”.

The advert received just one complaint from the public, but the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) said it suggested that “using guns was sexy and glamorous”, which breached the code for television.

The move follows the ASA’s decision in September to ban billboard posters for the film’s theatrical release. These featured Jolie and McAvoy holding guns in a variety of positions in a comic book-style montage of pictures.

Some news agency

They banned this 0:35 trailer.

They probably really wouldn’t like the 2:23 long version any better.

15 Aug 2008

“An Americal Carol” Trailer

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There’s already a trailer out for David Zucker’s anti-Michael Moore comedy satire, opening in theaters October 3rd.

2:05 video

Hat tip to Dirty Harry’s Place.

01 May 2008

Zombie Strippers

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Strippers and zombies – that just about completely covers all one’s spiritual needs.

1:44 trailer

14 Nov 2006

Rejected Spiderman 3 Trailer


Sony is upset over the leak of a rejected trailer for its upcoming release Spiderman 3.

Defamer has a link.

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